The Beltsville Citizens Association’s next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 17th at 7:00 pm. October is "Fire Safety" month, and we will have a presentation that includes fire safety, updated on smoke and carbon monoxide alarms and emergency preparedness.
There will be a bi-partisan candidate’s forum on Monday, October 1st at 6:30 pm It is sponsored by Beltsville, Calverton, and Vansville Heights Citizens Associations as well as the Greater Beltsville Business Association. The County Council at Large Candidates, Maryland State Senate, and House of Delegates candidates have been invited. The County Council at Large seats will be two more voices for the Beltsville community. Over the summer months, there were several conversations on NextDoor about what is wrong with Beltsville. Why county and State agencies seem to by-pass Beltsville. Our future elected officials need to see Beltsville residents care and that we will show up. The forum begins with an informal meet and greet with the candidates. The questions begin at 7:00 pm.
There will be a trunk or treat on Wednesday, October 24th from 6:30-7:30 pm at Beltsville Academy, 4300 Wicomico Avenue. This event is hosted by the Police District 6 COPS Unit. Come out, decorate your car, bring some candy and join in the fun!
There was a "Beltsville Civic Association" Facebook page that posted regular updates about the Citizen’s Association meetings but was not an entity of the Citizen’s Association. I received complaints about questions sent to this page that were not answered. Your questions were never forwarded to me. The page has been removed as of this column. The Beltsville News is our newsletter. They also have a Facebook page. The Association also uses In the future, we will have a Facebook page. If you still need answers to questions, you may have submitted to this page, see below on how to contact me to get answers.
Finally, have you joined NextDoor? If not, go to, it’s a great way to keep up with what is happening in Beltsville. If you have a concern, please email me at or call 301.937.3490.