Through the many challenges that have been coming our way since the onset of COVID-19, the American Legion Auxiliary has been hard pressed to find ways to continue our charitable works for our active military, our veterans , our youth and our communities. Having said this, we have found ways to still serve. Because of this determination and commitment to do our best to support our programs, our small unit in College Park was recognized by the Department of Maryland and the Southern Maryland District at our recent Department Executive Meeting and Southern Maryland District Meeting. We received awards in education, legislature, poppy, public relations, veteran’s affairs and rehabilitation, home and field service, (Denise Ferland took second place in the state for her many hours of volunteerism),home service hours contributed by all Unit 217 volunteers. These awards were received from the state. In addition, we received three awards from the Southern Maryland District in Americanism, cancer control and veteran’s affairs and rehabilitation. Many of our scheduled programs were cancelled because of “social distancing” but we find ways to deal with the restrictions and continue our worthwhile work Much thanks to our dedicated members.
Our post home is still undergoing remodeling. We hope it will soon be completed so we can resume operations. This month is very important, first with the upcoming election and then with Veteran’s Day when we will again be at the College Park Veteran’s Memorial at the corner of Greenbelt Road and Baltimore Ave. at 11 am on November 1 to honor all veterans.
If you are planning a visit to our post home note that you will have to enter through the double doors in the rear of the lounge while the front area is under renovation.
Stay as safe as possible. Keep our troops in your prayers. May God continue to bless our great America.