Cub Pack 1031 is meeting outdoors biking and hiking to complete some of our outdoor requirements. We also review how far away is six feet and why we all wear masks to keep everyone safe.
This is how we will proceed into the fall. We will be meeting online by den for our regular meetings and trying to meet outdoors at least one meeting a month.
This month we went bike riding on the Anacostia Trail from Acredale up to Cherry Hill Neighborhood Park and back. The next meeting, we met at the Patuxent Wildlife Refuge and hiked by family along the trail. All scouts have been great about wearing their masks and remembering to stay 6 feet apart. We also are planning to hike the Anacostia Trail to look for animals and fly a hoop glider. Some scouts have camped with their families at home or on the road and have earned the Cub Scout Family Summertime Passport, Summertime Activity Award, and or the Scouting at Home Patch.
Over 80% of our Cub Scouts completed their rank this year, which we think is fantastic being as we had to meet on Zoom from mid-March to June! Next year our families will be working on achievements at home, but we will still keep it fun. Hopefully, a wonderful vaccine will be available soon and we can resume our lives.
We are now accepting new scouts and welcome them to the pack. If you are interested in discovering the fun of Cub Scouts, please contact Regina Halper at Pack1031cubscouting@gmail.com for more information. We will be meeting as we can this fall both online and most likely in the outdoors.
A reminder: if you have Cub Scout uniforms that you do not need, please contact Regina Halper at the email above. The cost of Cub Scouting is going up and sharing your uniforms will help cover the cost of participating.