Cub Pack 1031 has been busy in the outdoors! Our Tiger Scout, Rowan, has earned Games Tigers Play, Team Tiger, and Tigers in Wild working with the Wolf Den. The Wolf den has completed Call of the Wild, Paws on the Path and some electives.
The Bear Den has almost finished Bear Necessities (outdoor skills), and Furs, Feathers and Ferns.
Webelos earned Webelos Walkabout and the Arrow den has completed Outdoorsman. We will hike this weekend to catch some scouts up on their requirements and make s’mores!
The pack participated in the Scouting for Food Drive by collecting 100 lbs. of food within their families. Some Cubs helped Troop 1033 sort their huge number of donations on Saturday November 13th.
The pack put on their costumes and celebrated Halloween with games and distanced candy distribution. It was loads of fun!
If you are interested in discovering the fun of Cub Scouts, our cost this year will be $130 per scout. We are a family scouting unit. We hike, bike, go interesting places and learn about nature and do service. 95% of our scouts earned their rank this year! We are still being cautious with our scouts, we meet weekly (either virtually or in person in the outdoors), stay arm’s length apart and wear our masks and we keep it fun! Our active den leaders are 100% vaccinated. Please contact Regina Halper at Pack1031cubscouting@gmail.com for more information.