3rd Coronavirus Edition
District 1 Office Update
The District 1 Team is distributing 1,000 meals a day, 5 days a week, serving District 1 residents in need. The food distribution takes place at two locations—James E. Duckworth Regional School in Beltsville and Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School in Laurel—and will continue until the county executive’s stay-at-home order is lifted. In addition, we are expecting Beltsville Seventh-day Adventist Church to become a county “food hub” distributing groceries. Email CouncilDistrict1@co.pg.md.us for more information about ongoing meal and food options.
Tea Time with Tom
Join me bi-weekly for a late afternoon virtual town hall from 4 to 5 pm via Zoom! You must RSVP to join. You can RSVP and submit questions at bit.ly/Tea-Time-With-Dernoga. The next event will be Friday, June 5.
Coronavirus Update
As your council member, my number one priority is keeping you informed, especially now during the current public health emergency involving the coronavirus outbreak. COVID-19 causes respiratory illness and can spread from person to person. This continues to be a rapidly evolving situation, and we are working collaboratively in Prince George’s County to inform and protect our communities. For the latest updates, county residents can visit the county health department’s dedicated coronavirus web page: https://tinyurl.com/PGCcoronavirus. If you have any questions or concerns, you can also call the Prince George’s County Health Department coronavirus hotline at (301) 883-6627 to receive updated information.
Support District 1 Restaurants
The COVID-19 crisis is having a harsh impact on our local businesses. If you're looking for carryout or delivery for your family, visit the District 1 restaurants status link at bit.ly/D1-Restaurants-Status to explore the many food options District 1 has to offer.
Prince George’s County COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program
The Prince George’s County Emergency Rental Assistance Program launched Monday, May 11. Residents are strongly encouraged to apply online. For further details about the program and eligibility requirements, please visit: mypgc.us/renthelp.
Primary Election Video
This year’s state primary election is being held primarily by mail. Check out this explanatory video for news and information about the process: https://bit.ly/MD-VOTE-BY-MAIL.
Please keep in touch! Email us at councildistrict1@co.pg.md.us or call 301.952.3887. Se habla Español. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @TomDernogaD1.
Photo Caption: Councilmember Tom Dernoga and Chief of Staff Michelle Garcia providing meals to residents in need in Beltsville.