Grow Your Business While Supporting Local Beltsville Community News!
Business Owners Benefit from an Ad in the Beltsville News....
*Did you know The Beltsville News has a professional Graphic artist who will design your ad?
*Did you know if you have an existing ad in The Beltsville News that you would like updated or refreshed the graphic artist will do it for free?
*Did you know The Beltsville News offers color highlights for your ad?
*Did you know The Beltsville News is distributed to every household in Beltsville?
*Did you know that copies of the Beltsville News can be picked up at over 50 local business, MNCPPC community centers and recreation facilities?
*Did you know The Beltsville News has a website- and a Facebook page- ??
*Did you know The Beltsville News is shared on reaching over 4,300 residents in and around Beltsville?
*Did you know The Beltsville News is an All-Volunteer newspaper celebrating 68 years providing local news to Beltsville about Beltsville?
*The answer to all these questions is YES!
When you place an ad, you are helping The Beltsville News share information on local events from our schools, churches, non-profits, and a variety of organizations. Programs for tiny tots to senior citizens, gardeners, sports fans, nature enthusiast and animal lovers to name a few. The Beltsville News is the Newsletter for the Beltsville Citizen’s Association. Contact Ted Ladd to Grow Your Business today with an ad in the Beltsville News. Email Ted at or call 301.937.6706.
COVID -19 Even as restaurants and stores begin to reopen, please remember we are in a pandemic. COVID-19 is highly spreadable, and our numbers are going up in Maryland. Please continue to social distance and wear a mask. Following these mandates will not only help keep you and your community members healthy, it will also help our local businesses. We will only be able to continue to re-open if our infection numbers continue to decline.
The Census directly impacts funding for our community. Complete the 2020 Census today! Call 844.330.2020, no code needed. Your community is counting on you to complete the Census 2020! #pgcensus #proudtobecounted #onlytogether
The Citizen’s Association will not meet in August ….for Community updates check: or our Facebook page
Please ....Support our local restaurants and Businesses. If you have a community concern, I can be reached at 301.937.3490 or if you would like to be added to the Beltsville Citizen’s Association email list