The Annual Police National Night Out will be held on Tuesday, August 1st from 6 -8 pm at Chestnut Hills Neighborhood Park in Front of Beltsville Library.
There will be a Family Movie Night on Friday, August 4th at 8:30 pm sponsored by MNCCPPC and Prince George’s County Police Division.
Summer Vacation Safety Tips: Stop your mail and newspapers or have someone pick it up! Leave a few lights inside your house on timers! Make arrangements to have your grass cut.
Car Safety Tip: Car Thieves are watching. Car theft and air bags theft continue to be a problem in the surrounding area. Lock your yar and remove valuables when you get out of your car. When you are at a gas station pay attention to your surroundings and lock your car. Think about buying a “Club” and putting it on your steering wheel when you are not in the car. At night, park in a lighted area at home and in parking lots. When you’re driving leave space between you and the car in front of you and give yourself room to get away if you need to. You can contact me at