HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Can you believe the year is almost over!
MD ROUTE 212/Powder Mill Road Update
We are coming in the home stretch with construction. They are working on storm water management/drainage issues, utility (gas and WSSC) issues, and sidewalks between Garrett and Rhode Island Avenue. These tasks are running behind schedule due to weather issues in November. The target completion of this construction phase is realistically the middle of January. The milling and repaving for this stretch is likely to be moved to the spring of 2023. Paving cannot be done once temperatures drop below 50 degrees. As we go to press the nighttime temperatures are going to be in the 30's or below at night. The last phases are all very sensitive to weather conditions.
Holiday Safety Tips
Lock your doors to your home and car. Get an "RFID" wallet or envelope for your driver's license, passport, credit and debit cards. Thieves have found an easier way to pick your pocket and your identity at the same time. Do not leave gifts visible from your windows. If you are going out of town for the holidays have timers on your lights and stop your mail and newspaper. Thefts from cars is still a problem in our community. Do not leave valuables in your car.
Safe Shopper Tips
If you are shopping online have your packages delivered to a safe place, or make sure you will be home to take packages in immediately. Carry cash or credit and debit cards deep in your pocket or in zipper pockets and your wallets in your front pocket as opposed to the back pocket. Be aware of your surroundings when shopping in stores. Do not leave your purse unattended in the shopping cart. When in use, cover the account number on your credit/debit card with your hand and block the view when typing in your PIN. Look around the parking area before exiting the vehicle and make sure you lock your car. Ensure your keys are accessible before exiting the store and lock the doors as soon as you enter the vehicle. Do not stop and talk to strangers in a parking lot/deck. Shop with a friend or family member, there is safety in numbers. Be aware of your surroundings.
If you have a community concern, I can be reached at 301-741-7672 or karenmcoakley@gmail.com.