Consumer Alert: Thefts of Hyundai and Kia Automobiles
As of February 21, 2023, Kia and Hyundai vehicles continue to be stolen at increased rates in Maryland and nationwide. These thefts are related to “challenges” circulating on social media that show how to start certain Kia and Hyundai models using a USB cord. Contact your dealer to find out if your car is one of the models that are vulnerable to theft.
There have been reports in the media of some insurance companies refusing to write a
policy for these vehicles in some states. This is not allowed in Maryland and the Maryland
Insurance Administration (MIA) has confirmed that coverage for these vehicles continues to be available from all of the state’s largest insurer groups. If you have been refused coverage
because you own a Hyundai or a Kia, you can file a complaint with the MIA through their website at:https://insurance.maryland.gov/Consumer/Pages/FileAComplaint.aspx
The MIA also urges owners of impacted vehicles to take action to protect their vehicles from theft. Law enforcement has advised:
- Don’t leave phone charging cables in your car.
- Lock and park your car in secure well-lit areas.
- Use a steering column lock device or other theft deterrent technology.
- Contact your car dealer to learn about the available software upgrades for your specific vehicle.
If you have any questions regarding this Consumer Alert, contact the Maryland Insurance Administration at 410-468-2000 or 800-492-6116, or visit their website at
Scholarship Available for Latino high school students Pharmacy Camp.
Notre Dame of Maryland University (NDMU)’s Pharmacy Camp is a four day summer program looking for Latino High School students in grades 9 through 12 interested in studying in
pharmaceutical sciences.
Outline of activities:
- Make medications in a lab
- Explore precision medicine and the pharmacist's role in research and patient care
- Learn about medication therapy management
- Discover which pharmacy career best fits them
- Get tips for applying to pharmacy school
Dates: June 26 to June 30, 2023
Times: from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day
Costs: $450, includes meals and activities every day.
Registration: Scholarships are available for bilingual students but are limited so apply now!
Registration ends on May 27, 2023. Link to register: ndm.edu/pharmacy-camp.
Donate No-Longer Needed Durable Medical Equipment
As part of the Maryland Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Re-Use program, DoE will host one drop-off location for donated DME items at the Brown Station Road Convenience Center in Upper Marlboro.
The Maryland Department of Aging (MDA) will sanitize, repair, and provide the equipment to eligible Marylanders, free of charge.
Examples of needed DME items include:
- Canes, Crutches, Rollators, and Walkers
- Manual, Transport, and Power Wheelchairs
- Power Scooters
- Shower Chairs and Tub Transfer Benches
- Bedside Commodes and Toilet Safety Rails
- Home Hospital Beds
- Mechanical Lifts
Please NO heavily soiled or corroded equipment, stair lifts, respiratory equipment (oxygen machines and tanks, CPAP’s, suction machines, etc.), orthopedic braces, and non-medical items.
If you are in need of this equipment or additional information, visit MDA's website at
aging.maryland.gov. For more information on the Prince George's County drop-off location, visit bit.ly/reuseinpgc.
Curbside Bulky Trash Services
Before placing your mattress and box spring at the curb for bulky trash collection, remember it MUST be in a protective plastic covering /encasement. Learn more bulky trash collection tips at mypgc.us/clearthecurb.
Residents in Beltsville can place UP TO 2 standard bulky items at the curb, next to your trash cart, for collection on your regular trash day. Appointments for white goods/appliances and
scrap tires are still required via PGC311.
Cold Weather and Your Pets
Exposure to extreme winter weather can harm our pets if we leave or take them outside for a prolonged period. Prince George's County law states that "all domestic animals, except
livestock, are prohibited from being kept outdoors when the effective outdoor wind chill index is
32 degrees Fahrenheit." For their own safety, ensure your four-legged family members are kept
warm, their paws are clear, and to report animal cruelty incidents to 301-780-7200.
If left unattended outdoors, pets can get frostbite or become disorientated and freeze to death. Hypothermia can result from extended exposure to cold and is a life-threatening condition.
If there are outdoor cats in your area, bang loudly on your car hood before starting the engine to
give them a chance to escape. Cats like to seek shelter from the cold and can be under the
hood of your car. Learn more tips to care for our animals during winter and County laws at
Contact me
Please let me know if there are other issues you have questions or thoughts about. And, of
course, feel free to be in touch if I can be of help to you. Just email 21stDistrictDelegation@gmail.com or call 410-841-3141.