Hi folks! How has your month been? It has been a very challenging month for me with the heat. I work outdoors full-time in Baltimore, and by the time I get home to Beltsville. I am only in the mood to sleep, eat, wake up, bathe, eat, sleep....in any order that makes sense at the time.
There are so many things to talk about, but I am going to have to show temperance and be patient with myself. Let me go straight into something that I would like to see taken up by the relevant authorities. We have no control over the upgrades and maintenance required on facilities in our lovely Beltsville. A lot of money is spent on roads, and a lot of us have to spend significant amounts of money on the maintenance of our cars. My issue is this...for the respective contractors that have to dig up roads for whatever reason, it would be nice if, at the end of their work, rather than patch up the areas that have been dug, they take their time to smoothen out the layer of asphalt that has been used to refill the dugout area. The benefit of this is that we have a smoother ride on the roads. In addition, the shock absorbers in our cars would last longer.
Let me move on to something else. For close to three years, I have been involved in providing rideshare services for one of the companies in the business. Believe me: it has been a fun experience. So occasionally I will share some of the hilarious experiences with you. Believe me when I say I can write a book on the things I have witnessed. Earlier this year, I picked up a couple in Washington, DC, Northwest. The destination they entered for the trip was Washington Dulles Airport, which a lot of us call “Dulles” or “IAD.” We went on the 33-mile trip to the airport, and as we approached, I asked the couple which airline they would be flying out on. The gentleman gave me a response and then said everything looked strange. I told him that if he had arrived at night, he may not have noticed the infrastructure around him. He says it looks different from the Ronald Reagan Airport they flew into. I pulled up to the curb to drop them off. Meanwhile, he pulled out his tickets to backcheck his ticket for departure details and then is when he realized that he had entered the wrong airport name. He had put Washington Dulles instead of Ronald Reagan Airport. Needless to say, I had quite a drive back to Washington, trying to get them to Ronald Reagan Airport with about 45 minutes to check in and catch their domestic flight that was headed to the mid-Western part of the country.
Well, my dear reader, I apologize this is all I have for you in this issue. It has been a very busy month for me, taking care of domestic issues. Next issue, I will make up for it with a lot of interesting stuff. We are also going to start a brief feature where we highlight local businesses, so if you want me to come to your place of business to sit and talk with you so the community knows more about what you do, take a picture of you as the owner of the business, and share some interesting facts, kindly send me an email at jasoninanga@gmail.com and be sure to put BELTSVILLE NEWS FEATURE as the subject.
On a final note, it is back to school for many of our young people. Let me welcome the young ones back to school. Have a very focused and productive school year and let us remember to be very cautious on the road because the roads can be very busy once school starts. Look out for children walking out between cars trying to cross the road. A very serious safety issue is the older children walking with ear plugs in their ears, unaware of the traffic around them. Please drive with caution.
Have a nice one and see you in the next issue. I just read an interesting article on the Real reason potato chips bags are never filled to the brim. Do a Google search and enjoy learning something new I just learned. Bye folks!