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College Park Welcomes Ronnie Dove and Johnny Seaton Ivy Christoffers

Updated: Jul 28, 2021

Ronnie Dove and Johnny Seaton together again...July 24th College Park American Legion.

Yes, once again we are honored to host this amazing duo of outstanding entertainers at our American Legion Post # 217. We are so glad the state has opened up for business. Since the pandemic started, we have greatly missed our talented entertainers in College Park. The doors will open at 5:30 pm with dinner available for $8 with the show starting at 7:00 pm. The very talented Doug Lester Band will be accompanying Ronnie Dove and Johnny Seaton. What a great opportunity to meet and greet your friends while enjoying fun and fellowship. The tickets are a mere $35 each and can be obtained by calling Tina Zook at 301.935.5308. Tina does a fabulous job in scheduling our very entertaining shows. I don’t know what we would do without her.

The annual American Legion Auxiliary convention will be held on July 11 and 12 and will be hybrid – that is both Zoom and in person with two hubs, one in Ocean City at Synepuxent Post # 166 and the other at Dewy-Lomen Post # 109 in Baltimore. This will be very challenging and will require creativity on behalf of our Department Officers and Department Chairmen.

Our American Legion is once again open for business so if you have a upcoming event why not give the manager Gary Kingery a call at 301.441.2783 to schedule with him? Our new chef, Chef Joe, has obtained quite a following with his mouthwatering menu. Lunch is served on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Our dinner/dances have resumed on Friday night and bingo will soon resume. Thank you, Gov. Hogan.

Keep our troops and our country in your prayers. May God continue to bless America, Stay safe.

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