Drivers slow down! Pay attention! School has begun! Watch out for children walking to school and getting on a school bus. Drivers, you are supposed to stop when a school bus’s lights are flashing, at stop signs, at red lights and flashing red lights. Drivers, when you are making a turn you do not have the right of way, you are supposed to wait for oncoming traffic to pass. Drivers, in case you have forgotten the speed limit on most of the roads in Beltsville is between 25 or 30 miles an hour except for portions of Powder Mill Road and Route 1.
School Board election potential voter disenfranchisement. Our former school board representative, David Murray, filed to run for reelection in the May 2024 election Primary. However, he had accepted a job with a school system in Missouri. Both jobs have a residency requirement. David Murray's actions are being investigated and his name has been removed from the November general election ballot. The candidates with the first and third highest votes will be on the November ballot. Our school board positions are nonpartisan, so the two candidates with the highest votes move forward to the general election. Moving forward I strongly encourage all eligible voters to take a serious look at the candidates who want to represent our community, schools, and children. We deserve a school board representative who shows up at school board meetings. Our children deserve a candidate who speaks up for our community schools and children!
Check out the candidates:
Tiffini Andorful:
Donna Barriteau: www.barriteauforschoolboard.comy. Tuesday, August 6th 6:00 pm