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  • Eugene Jones

Resident's for a Better Beltsville November Meeting

Our organization has a lot of activity to address the concerns raised by residents of Beltsville. We have been in contact with the Department of Permits and Inspections (DPIE) regarding the concerns you have raised, and we will be meeting with representatives soon to learn more about their efforts in our neighborhoods. We (our Board and community members) were very fortunate to go on a tour of Beltsville with District 1 Councilmember Tom Dernoga. We learned firsthand of his love of history and gained keen insight into the business and residential elements of Beltsville from the perspective of our elected representative. Thanks, Councilmember, for all you are doing on behalf of District 1 residents.

At our next meeting (October 16, 2019) we will hear from representatives of the School community regarding the High Point High School proposed construction project. We are moving our meeting to High Point High School, Media Center, 3601 Powder Mill Road, Beltsville to engage residents and give them an opportunity to comment on the future of High Point High School.

We are moving forward with community projects that when approved by County Officials will bring a reawakening to historic Beltsville. Once more information is available, we will share the nature of those projects. We have been given very good feedback from Councilman Dernoga on his efforts to address the concerns about those projects raised by residents in our first meeting.

We also as a Board thank Councilman Dernoga for putting on key events in the Community (Food Truck and Community Conversations in Vansville). We attended each event and met many of our neighbors spreading the word that “Residents for a Better Beltsville” are working to make our community even better!

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