Cub Pack 1031 is getting ready to celebrate the 90th anniversary of cub scouting. The pack will be celebrating Blue and Gold Night on February 24 where we have a family potluck supper and review all the great things we have done this year. This year, we made rockets to launch at Goddard SFC. Some scouts went to EarthTreks with Troop 1033. We had our Pinewood Derby in January. We have lots more fun happening this spring with a hike planned and a beginner orienteering event for older cubs, and we are leading the Anacostia Watershed Society Spring Cleanup in April.
The Pinewood Derby pack trophy winners were Webelos Hugo T, 1st place; Tiger Kyle T, 2nd place; and Wolf Ian K, 3rd place. Den winners were Tigers 1st Kyle T, 2nd Elizabeth B, 3rd David H. Wolf winners were 1st Ian K, 2nd Lois S, 3rd Isaiah W; Webelos 1st Hugo T, 2nd Eddy S; and Arrows 1st Jason K, 2nd Christian N. Congrats to all the racers!
This month, scouts worked on their advancements with the Tigers completing Tiger Bites, Wolves completing Air of the Wolf, Webelos working on Stronger Higher Faster, Webelos completing Walkabout; and Arrows completing Duty to God.
A reminder: if you have cub scout uniforms that you can part with, please contact Regina Halper at the email below so we can pass on “experienced uniforms” to our scouts. The cost of cub scouting has been going up, and sharing your uniforms will help cover the cost of participating for our families.
Pack 1031 has fun adventures we will complete over the next year including outdoor adventures, citizenship, and service projects. Pack 1031 is a family pack open to boys and girls K to 5th grade. The pack has activities including camping, hiking, our annual Pinewood Derby, and campfires. We also do participatory citizenship along Little Paint Branch Trail, our toy drive, and Scouting for Food. Along the way we learn responsibility, learn citizenship, play games, and have tons of fun. If you are interested in discovering the fun of cub scouts, please contact Regina Halper at Pack1031cubscouting@gmail.comm for more information.
Photo Caption(1): Cubmaster Spence Spencer with the 2020 Pinewood Derby winners Ian K 3rd Place; Hugo T. 1st Pl.; and Kyle T. 2nd Place (Ashley H., Tiger Den helper, holding)
Photo Caption(2): On February 2, 2020 Scouts celebrated Scout Sunday at St. Josephs.