Guest speakers at the February meeting of the Beltsville Lions Club were Past District Governor (PDG) Kelley Randolph and Lion Lois Barb. PDG Kelley currently serves as District-22C Chair of the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF). She discussed how LCIF provides disaster relief as well as aid in the areas of vision, hospice care, diabetes, environment, hunger, and cancer in children. She provided a list of Melvin Jones Fellows in the club, past and present, now totaling 17. Melvin Jones is considered the founder of Lions Clubs International, and the Fellowship is awarded for extraordinary community service over a long period.
Lion Lois Barb has served as District-22C chair for Leader Dogs for the Blind for many years and has raised 10 leader dog puppies herself. She knows her stuff and provided a great review of the program. It was a great meeting.