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Ted Ladd

Beltsville News: Blast from the Past January 2024

(From the Beltsville News issue of January 2009)

Vansville Community Center Grand Opening

            On December 8, 2009, the Vansville Community Center celebrated its Grand Opening with a gymnasium dedication honoring Joseph L. Briscoe. Joseph Briscoe served as the Vansville Heights Citizens Association President for more than 60 years. He saw the need for an elementary school in the Vansville area and worked tirelessly for over 20 years to see this dream come to pass. While many were involved in the effort, it was Mr. Briscoe’s driving force that helped make it a reality. He lobbied to have the gymnasium built in addition to the new elementary school. The Maryland Capital Park and Planning Commission and Prince George’s County Board of Education approved the addition of the gym. My Briscoe is a true testament to the saying than one person can make a difference.

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