The Beltsville Young at Heart Club
by Lois Hamilton

I sincerely hope the “kid’s Camp” at the Beltsville Community Center are enjoying this HOT summer. I’m not a fan of the heat.
I’m really looking forward to resuming our monthly meetings of the Beltsville Young at Heart starting in September. Third Thursday, (Sept. 21) at 10:30 am at the Community Center at 3900 Sellman Road.
We’ll have our usual activities with refreshments (Carol Kosadar is back), a 50/50 chance to win some cash, trips you can sign up for if interested, our Way & Means table with “cheap” treasures. We will be entertained by Melissa Christenson again. We truly enjoyed her singing at our May meeting, and know she’ll get us off to a delightful fall season.
I hope to see some new faces along with our usual members; bring a friend to see what we have to offer. Questions, call me at 301-498-9736; leave a message if needed and I’ll get back to you.
The Women’s Club of Beltsville
By Karen Coakley

The Women's Community Club of Beltsville celebrated the 4th of July at the Calverton Citizen's Association Celebration! We passed out "Ice Pops" to help everyone stay cool. The Police Explorers from Beltsville Division VI Color Guard presented the Flags to open the festivities. Join us on Tuesday, August 1st to celebrate Police National Night in front of the Beltsville Library.