Cub Pack 1031 is getting ready for Scouting for Food along with Troop 1033!! We will be collecting cans and boxed food with unexpired dates on November 12th here in Beltsville. The donations will go to the food pantries at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and Emmanuel United Methodist Church. We will be putting out the sticky notes on November 5th. If you don’t get one just let me know your address and we will be sure to pick up your donation.
This month we did a small fall cleanup at Little Paint Branch Trail Park. We collected 5 bags of trash. Many thanks to Garvey’s family, Rowan’s family, David’s family and Juan and Rosa’s family. We also are meeting in back in Beltsville Academy! All the dens have started their achievements.
It is not too late to join just contact Regina Halper at Pack1031cubscouting@gmail.com for information. We are a family scouting unit. We learn outdoor skills, citizenship, STEM, nature and do service. We look forward to having another fantastic year!! We are back in Beltsville Academy for our den meetings. And happy to be meeting in our usual place and camping, doing service and hiking in the outdoors. We are mask optional and still cautiously progressing toward regular meetings.