Beltsville/Calverton/Vansville and our Neighbors in College Park, Laurel and Greenbelt. I want to say a Thousand Thank You's for Standing Up! Showing Up! Letting Your Voices Be Heard! Our State Representatives Delegates Joseline Peña-Melnyk and Mary Lehman have Passionately voiced Their Understanding of the Issues surrounding Beltsville Volunteer Fire Department.
The Concerns of the Firefighters & EMT Volunteer and Career and the Residents at the January 24th Community Meeting. Behind the scenes I know that Senator Rosapepe, Delegates Joseline Peña-Melnyk, Mary Lehman and Ben Barnes took Our Message! Our Concerns and Our Fears to the County Executive and Fire Chief. Team 21 did the heavy lifting! At the January 24th meeting we were told the PGFD Career Firefighters and EMT would be reassigned by February 11th. Fast forward to February 13th temporary trailers will be installed and key County employees are going to see that permits for water & sewer hookup will be expedited! Permits required for electrical, construction etc. for the temporary trailers will be expedited! Beltsville Volunteer Fire Station 31 will continue to be staffed 24/7 until issues at the station can be resolved.
Beltsville/Calverton/Vansville and our Neighbors in College Park, Laurel and Greenbelt we are not finished. We Need to Let Our Voices be Heard! We Need to Be Counted We Need Everyone to Sign the Petition! Share the Petition! We Need to KEEP the Pressure On. They are beginning to discuss the Budget for the County.
Prince Georges County needs to include funding to correct the issues with Beltsville Volunteer Fire Station 31. They Need to Hire more Firefighters and EMT Versus paying Overtime to deal with staffing issues. Volunteer Firefighters & EMT need more flexibility to work as Volunteers.
Support now! Sign & Share Petition! https://chng.it/BLvcj6WMNd
Call & Email!
County Executive Angela Alsobrooks
301-952-4131 Countyexecutive@co.pg.md.us
Council Chairperson Jolene Ivey
301-952-3864 Councildistrict5@co.pg.md.us
Tom Dernoga
At Large Member Calvin Hawkins
At Large Member Mel Franklin
Karen M. Coakley
741-7672 karenmcoakley@gmail.com