News You Can Use from the Beltsville Citizen’s Association:
Voting Info
Please see the Representative Dernoga’s report in this edition for up to date info on elections.
Speeding and Racing
I have received several complaints about cars and motorcycles speeding and racing in and around Beltsville. I can hear cars and motorcycles racing on Montgomery Road, Route 1, and the Beltway at night. I have received complaints about speeding on Powder Mill Road too. Please call 301.352.1200, the non-emergency number, and make a report. The communities that register the most complaints get traffic enforcement. Trust me, the other communities served by Police District 6 on Sellman Road make the calls requesting traffic enforcement.
Unfortunately, most Beltsville residents do not call 911 or the non-emergency number. I have notified District 6 police about speeding on Montgomery and Sellman Roads.
The October meeting will be a virtual meeting on Wednesday, October 21st at 7:00 pm. You can participate online or by calling in. To receive the information on how to connect and attend the virtual meeting call me at 301.937.3490 or email me at karenmcoakley@msn.com