Dear Residents, you should be aware that a Detailed Site Plan has been submitted to the Development Review Division of the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, M-NCPPC. It is described as Prince George’s County Project DSP# 20029. The address of the subject property is 11300 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville, MD 20705. The site plan review is for the development of a convenience store and gas station. Do we need another gas station and a 7-11 convenience store?
If you wish to become a Person of Record to this application, you may submit your request online at or by written request to the Development Review Division of the M-NCPPC: 14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772. Please reference the Pre-Application Number and the name of the project in your written request.
Residents for a Better Beltsville will be meeting on July 8, at 7pm, via Zoom to get more information. You can also contact ATCS, PLC at 571.329.3587 for more information.