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The Latest News from Senator Rosapepe's Office: January 2023

Writer's picture: Beltsville NewsBeltsville News

Updated: Jan 25, 2023

Join us and Congressman-Elect GlennIvey at our January15th Winter Brunch

I hope you can join my wife Sheilah and me for our 2023 Winter Brunch in January. We will be joined by Congressman-Elect Glenn Ivey. The Brunch will be on Sunday, January 15th between 11 am-1 pm. It will be held at the Konterra/Truist Corporate Buildingat 14401 Sweitzer Ln Laurel, MD 20707. Go to for details and toRSVP. Families are welcome. We look forward to seeing you!

Reminder: Health insurancedeadline: January 15

Delegates Peña-Melnyk, Barnes,Lehman, and I want to be sure all working families are able to sign up for affordable healthinsurance. Despite all theproposals in Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it’s still in effect. Now -- through January 15 -- is the time to learn about coverage -- and other ways tosave money on health insurance. Open enrollment runs until January 15. Be sure toenroll or change plans by visiting or call toll-free 1-855-642-8572.

Meal Delivery for Senior Citizens

The Prince George'sCounty Senior Nutrition Program's mission is to promote the meal program, nutrition education, as well as social, recreational, and educational opportunities for older adults. The SeniorNutrition Program has twocomponents: The Home-Delivered and Congregate Meal programs. Each meal served meets at least one-third of the Recommended Dietary Allowances for older adults and follows the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The Home-Delivered Meal program provides meals to homebound older adults withinthe community, with the intent of assisting the resident with remaining in their own home. A hot meal is delivered to the older adult's door five days a week. The Congregate Meal program serves hot nutritious meals to seniors in a congregate setting such as senior centers, religious facilities, senior housing and community centers. Congregate program participants may be provided transportation to the local nutrition sites and eligible seniors are able to take part in thelunch program and have access to recreational and educational programs.

Tobe eligible for the SeniorNutrition Program, an individual must:

● Be a PrinceGeorge's County resident

● Be at least 60 years of age, or have a spouse that is 60 year of age and attends Senior

Nutrition Program

If you have questions about COVID tests orvaccines, call the COVID-19 Health Hotline

(301) 883-6627 or visit

Home Energy Bill Assistance

The Office of Home Energy Programs (OHEP) provides bill assistance to income-eligible households in the State of Maryland to make their energy costs more affordableand to help with

the prevention of loss and the restoration of home energy services. The Office of People's Counsel encourages anyone who is behind on their utility bills to not wait to receive a turn-off notice and apply for assistance. OHEP has recently started its new program year and released the new application. Visit their website to learn more.

Merry Christmas!

My wife Sheilah joins me in wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a great New Year!

Contact us

Please let me know if there are other issues you have questions or thoughts about. And, of course, feel free to be in touch if I can be of help toyou. Just email

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