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  • Carolyn Bosch

The Latest News from Senator Rosapepe's Office: February 2019

Join Us in Annapolis on February 11

Delegates Joseline Peña-Melnyk, Ben Barnes, Mary Lehman, and I work hard to keep in touch with Beltsville residents and help you understand what Maryland's state government is doing and how it can help you and your family. We attend the Beltsville Civic Association and other community meetings, visit local churches and schools, and host "mobile office hours" at local grocery stores. Now, we'd like you to visit us in Annapolis at our annual reception for 21st District residents on February 11 from 6–8 pm in the Miller Senate Building near the State House. We'll have food, fellowship, and information on legislative issues of concern to our communities. RSVP online at or call 301.858.3141 for details, questions, and information on parking. We'll also have buses going from College Park and Laurel—contact our office, and we'll give you the information on it, and ride, don't drive! Share this invitation with friends and neighbors. We look forward to seeing you!

Is Your Property Tax Assessment Too High? Deadline to Appeal Is February 11

If you got a new assessment notice for 2019, the deadline to appeal is February 11. In Maryland, home values are assessed every three years to set the base for the local property tax. And after these assessments, you can appeal the assessor's valuation on your home if you think it's too high.

It may be worthwhile for you to appeal your assessment. To do so, fill out and submit the online form at using the information on your assessment notice. There's no guarantee your tax will go down, but it may be worth the modest effort to make sure the assessment is correct.

Scholarships to College

Each senator and delegate is allocated funds for scholarships to students in our district who attend Maryland colleges. There are so many deserving students in Beltsville. With college tuition a struggle for many families, we need to do everything we can to help hard-working students get a good education. We can't help everyone with Senatorial scholarships, but we can certainly help some.

To apply online for a 2019-2020 Senate Scholarship, students should visit The deadline to apply is Friday, July 12. A separate Delegate Scholarship application from Delegates Peña-Melnyk, Barnes, and Lehman is on the same website page with an April 2 due date.

Information on other financial aid for Maryland college students can be found at

Contact Us

Please let us know if there are other issues you have questions or thoughts about. And, of course, feel free to be in touch if we can help you. Just email or call 301.858.3141

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