The Association will meet on April 24th at 7:00 p.m. We meet at Beltsville Academy. Our tentative presentation is an update on the Behnkes property.
Don’t dump your tires! We have a problem in our community, especially in the Beltsville Heights neighborhood. If you see someone dumping tires, please call 311 and report it.
If you have a community concern that you would like to discuss, please let me know by April 15th.
Don’t forget Coffee with Cops! Come out and join our Community Police Officer Fraser at the Calverton McDonald's April 24th at 11 am.
Have you signed up for www.nextdoor.com? A variety of county and state agencies are sharing valuable information on this community website.
Councilman Tom Dernoga will hold a Town Hall on April 3rd 7:00 pm at Martin Luther King Middle School. All are welcome.
If you have any questions, I can be reached at 301.937.3490 or karenmcoakley@msn.com.