The Beltsville Young at Heart Club
By Lois Hamilton
There was a lot of discussion among members at our last Young at Heart meeting about our by-laws. We’re considering how to change some of them to bring them more up to date. The last changes were in 2016, and much has changed since then.
We will not hold any meetings in July or August because the community center needs “our” room for their “Kid's Camp.” Our meeting in June is OK, but then we will not meet till September 15 at 11:00am at the Beltsville Community Center. We may be having our Anniversary potluck then, with entertainment.
Our November 17 meeting will be held in Laurel at the First United Methodist Church to celebrate Thanksgiving. More information later on this event.
I hope many will come out in June before vacation time, so you know who and what we are at Beltsville Young at Heart. Remember, “character is doing what’s right when nobody’s looking. “(J.C. Watts, Jr.)
Prince George’s Genealogical Society; Family Stories is Focus of Society Meeting
by Barbara Hopkins
The next meeting of the Prince George’s County Genealogical Society will look at the stories
many of our families pass down for generations. Often, these stories contain at least some true
facts. But what do you do when almost nothing is true? This program demonstrates how a 25-
year brick wall was broken down. Charles “Chuck” Mason, a Certified Genealogist who lectures
widely in the Washington, D.C. area, will be our speaker. For an invitation to our free virtual
meeting for Wednesday, June 1 at 7 p.m., email
District 21 Annapolis Round up Session 2022
The District 21 Annapolis Round up Session 2022 hosted by Beltsville, Calverton and Vansville Heights Citizen’s Associations will occur online on Monday, June 20th at 7:00 pm. If you have a specific question or concern that you would like Senator Rosapepe or Delegates Barnes, Pena~Melnyk, or Lehman to answer please email karenmcoakley@gmail or call 301-741-7672 before June 15th. You can use the link below or call in for our Virtual District 21 Round Up Session
Dial by your location 1 301 715 8592 Meeting ID: 822 9766 6176
Passcode: 980590