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Regina Halper

Cub Pack 1031 Is Getting Ready for Scouting for Food!

Updated: Nov 21, 2023

New Bear Leader Peter G and his daughter Susie, join Tiger Scout Adam F and his mom to gather lots of beer bottles and cans from the basketball court area at Beltsville Neighborhood Park.

Cub Pack 1031 along with Troop 1033 is getting ready for our Scouting for Food Drive which will be a week early this year! Scouts will begin putting stickers on doors the weekend of October 28th and we will be collecting cans and boxed food with unexpired dates on November 4th. This is due to Veterans Day falling on a Saturday this year. Please put your sticker on your bag or box.

The donations will go to the food pantries at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and Emmanuel United Methodist Church. If you do not get a sticker just let me know your address and we will be sure to pick up your donation.

The pack also did a fall cleanup at Little Paint Branch Trail Park on Monday October 9th. We collected 7 bags of trash and 3 bags of recycling. Many thanks to all the families who participated, especially the three new families who joined us to do service!

We had to cancel our fall camping trip due to rain which has been coming up every time we try to do an outdoor event. We look forward to camping in the spring. We enjoy our hiking, community service, and learning about duty to God and country, helping others and how to take care of ourselves.

If you are interested in joining Cub Scouts, please contact Regina Halper at for information. We are a family scouting unit. We learn outdoor skills, citizenship, STEM, nature, plan to camp two times a year and do service. We meet during the school year at Beltsville Academy for our den meetings. In the summer we are out in the parks learning about nature, STEM, doing service, and hiking outdoors.

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