With all the planned events being cancelled by the COVID 19 spreading over our country, many innovative and imaginative methods have been devised to continue serving our precious veterans. One of these has been making monthly videos for Charlotte Hall Veterans Home by a very talented and beautiful young lady named Grace Dillon, a Maryland native who is attending college in Ohio. When Sandi Dutton, past national president of the American Legion Auxiliary who lives in Beltsville, inquired of the veteran’s home how we could assist them during these trying times, they requested something positive and entertaining for the veterans living there. Rusty Beeg, a past department president who lives in Lanham, approached her granddaughter, Miss Dillon. and requested her cooperation in fulfilling this need. Grace was happy to oblige and has produced three such videos thus far. These include her singing beautiful songs, telling stories, and commemorating certain military dates and pertinent facts that pertain to that month. They are professionally produced and beautiful to see. If you would like to check one out, go to the following for the July video: https://youtu.be/2SO2tJ27COk. It is Awesome! Grace has been a member of the American Legion Auxiliary since her birth. We are tremendously proud of this very talented young lady.
For those who are not aware, College Park Legion Post # 217 is once again open for business from 12 noon–8 pm daily, though practicing the safety measures of wearing masks and socially distancing. Lunches are served on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and every other Saturday. Due to the serious illness of longtime chef Brian, a new chef has been hired, so come out and see what magic he can dish up for you. Our post home is undergoing a total remodeling, and it is going to be even warmer and more welcoming than usual.
A few inquiries have come in regarding the youth programs we usually hold every year and have regretfully had to cancel this year, such as Girls State and Boys State, which have been held yearly in June just following the close of schools. Let us hope we can resume these programs in 2021 as well as all the rest of our other programs.
As we continue to try to figure out what our new normal should or could be, let us strive to be as safe as possible while we seek God’s blessing on our great country. Let us keep our brave troops in our hearts and prayers.